In the time of the death of a union, always let her know that if you ever need anything, if she ever need you for anything for any reason, you will be there for her. Let them know that no matter of how you were treated, no matter of how much you suffered from the hurt and turmoil of being disappointing, you will always posses a hand out for understanding and an effort for comforting the mind.

Always let them know that despite all of which could have manifested into being, but never did, you are available for resolving what is left of everything if there are more words needed to be heard. Allow yourself to continue to be who and what you are and have forever been inside. Don't die inside because of the death of a union. Allow yourself to be yourself. It holds a great state of ownership and contentment.

Nothing has the power to destroy our essence. Not even we. It is why the duality exist when we try to alter ourselves. Be who and what you are entirely no matter what transpires and the internal conflict ends. It is the most profound sign that you have been risen above the sorrows of the world.

Embrace it. You can be wounded, but never destroyed.

Stay Human.

David Anthony Brayboy


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