The Broken Tree
In taking a slow and delicate walk arm and arm with an elderly East Indian woman named Ananya Khatri of 89 years present in Dharamsala India, in 2007 we came upon a broken tree outside of a home and she said to me, “divine beloved, when one sees a tree about the outside of a home that is broken, it is a sign that there are broken spirits inside.” She continued in saying….
“One must always know that everyone is divine no matter what is broken inside.” “We are all broken in our own way from something that was meant to build us and not to break our spirits.” “But, what has been broken upon our own will is left to those who choose to be of the unfortunate souls.” “It is a choice in the will to be of the unfortunate souls, while all is divine.”
Ananya Khatri
I arose this morning with her words in my mind and heart of my current journey which is coming to an end. I find her words to be true as one day a tree outside of this home had broken not to long after the break up within the home. What is broken within of the root principals reveals itself outwards. I have no regrets of this experience. I learned a great deal about life and therefore myself and of where I was lacking and thus, seeing the gains of further evolution and restoration.
I still posses love inside of my heart and mind. I remain loving her even without resolve despite all of which was done before my eyes and what was said that met my ears from those within her own circle. I still have a strong will to love another when the time is presented. I still have a will to be respectable and courteous, supportive, sensitive to the wants and needs of a woman. I remain being a human being who has no will to be of the unfortunate souls.
I remain human. Not as the broken tree from the strong winds of wounded souls. May we all heal from our past and the restitution of the wounded soul manifest to bring more light to the earth.
Rest in Peace and Wisdom Ananya Khatri. I love you.
David Anthony Brayboy
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