The Substance of The Storm

From Experience and Meditation 10/24/2019
It is very challenging to come to realize that the storm you are suffering through to remain as you are is in fact present for you to not remain as you are. Who and what you have been is only a small part of the journey towards manifesting your inevitable greatness. This greatness is never left for the rest of the world to measure if it is great or not. It has nothing to do with anyone else other than yourself. The storm you are within is for the purpose of showing you who you are in the present, while moving your forwards towards who you are destined to be. We are part of a divine and challenging journey to know, self.
It is a natural human quality to at times become the storm and some of its dual ingredients which we are apt to feel inside. This time of anger, hurt and frustration is but a period of self-examination. It is not a period of self-gloating or conformation of what has transpired against you in the past. It is a time of coming to know that no matter what happened to you, it was destined for your journey for the sake of coming to know the power you posses within your own strength to be willing to move forwards into more growth and compassion for life.
No storm is present for no reason. All of them have a purpose which will forever be profound. It is present because you are actually the storm which you are venturing in and through and it begins to clear at a per-ordained time according to when you begin to understand matters more clearly as you are destined to reach clarity. This moment is a tremendous time for knowing that a celebration of your evolution is at hand. Understand the storm is not there to punish you in the context of what other may wish upon you and your progress; but, the punishment is present simply to purge and guide you from no longer making the previous mistake or mistakes which were made of the past. Every mistake holds a dual integral which offers the opportunity for order. The power is within your choice. Therefore, every problem comes with the solution as the Quran says, “with difficulty comes ease.”
That which is thought and felt to be your punishment is in fact your time of evolution. Don't see it through a screen of hurt and disappointment. Embrace it as your time of evolution.
David Anthony Brayboy
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