Warefare 2019

Social Warfare in 2019
If you are consumed by hatred it will be used against you.
If you are ruled by ego it will be used against you.
If you are ruled by a desire to control it will be used against you.
If you are a trivial/pettifogging human being it will be used against you.
If you are an anxious human being it will be used against you.
If you are a jealous human being it will be used against you.
If you are an envious human being it will be used against you.
If you are a lust-filled human being it will be used against you.
If you are an easily provoked human being it will be used against you.
If you are a controlling human being it will be used against you.
If you are a desperate human being it till be used against you.
If you are a vengeful human being it will be used against you.
All of which has been mentioned above along with many using these instruments against their best interest are tactics of social war that will in time consume you and then be the cause of your evident destruction upon the battlefield of life. It has forever been so in historical accounts that those who have been attacked were before content in their environment. They were not disturbing anyone. They were at peace until another force arrived with opposing implications in opposition of their peaceful environment. So it is this day upon many situations which are transformed into fields of battle due to the reality that there are many people alive that activate from hatred because they are miserable and have no objective goal left to venture towards because of making mistakes in their lives which they in good conscious, never had to make.
To the wise, that which has been written above are tactics of warfare that have been learned of their enemies and are weapons of social war to cause what those who have been consumed of these entities to in time destroy themselves. Most wars are won by simply allowing those who offend to honestly express themselves without quarreling. Arguing back and forth only feeds into their intentions for war and conflict by way of their chosen juvenile behavior.
You will in time find that the thought of retaliation is superfluous because they already posses the weapons needed for you to win any war they try to inflict upon you. All you have to do is to remain untroubled, humble, wise and intelligent and stand back and watch them destroy themselves by way of their own hatred and insanity.
The greatest warriors in this day are those who never have the need to thrust their swords into an enemy who has already destroyed themselves internally.
David Anthony Brayboy
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