The Fall Season
Growing up in Chicago Illinois I have always loved the Fall season. I thought that it was a beautiful time to live in. The weather is not too hot nor too cold. And the wind was not too high nor to low. And the leaves upon the trees would slowly begin to change in colors very slowly as they would prepare for embracing their departure of being ordained to go back to the earth. As I came into adulthood, I would come to find out that people are as this in there coming and going from your life as they fall off of the death of the time in your life. They fall off for whatever reasons and the winds of life would carry them in their destined direction for them to fulfill what is ordained for them to fulfill. I found in being still and observing the function of Fall without trying to determine/control its movement, but just observing and allowing the function of Fall to reveal to me of its nature, and I came to understand that I was the tree with the branches and those le...