
Showing posts from October, 2019

Abuse, Reflection and Manifestation

In the past 5 months I have had the opportunity to understand many aspects of life in which most would think I should have come to know years ago considering my age. Life has its way of moving and progressing for the individual based upon their destiny: as well as their environment being suppressed or un-suppressed with particular elements of experiences holding activating principals of humanity, as well as matters advancing towards actions opposing humanity perceived as inhumane according to what is deemed as virtuousness. What was found is those who have suffered some form of abuse have become that which has abused them, according to the thinking and behavior of those whom abused them. They have in time become a manifestation of their abuse. It is commonly and carelessly said, “hurt people, hurt people” as this is not discredited in this arrangement, but, there are many living this day as myself who have suffered through years of emotional and psychological abuse as well as tho...


The world looks away in the fear that this same condition has its potential in their lives the moment they lose their livelihood. We are afraid for ourselves declining to what we see of them and so most of us refuse to face it and not feel as though we are facing ourselves; when we in fact, are. The unfortunate charge against humanity is that the people who are titled “homeless” have become a community through being labeled as homeless. They are then treated as less human and therefore less humane because of their condition instead of having a society which resolves the problem to where there is no homeless problem. Once we fall for the trap that they are a separate community from the rest of society, is when the homeless problem remain for centuries and thus, we encourage and preserve it with our own sense of divisiveness abruptly thinking they are indifferent than us. But, they are very much the same as we without anyone to love them enough to care for their needs. The homeless...

Fear and Dismay

Fear and dismay if understood conclusively in effect in their function are instruments that serve a time of purification. I find that most interesting that most religious minded people fail to understand the benefits of those times, praying not to have to endure them and yet assert to understand the suffering of the prophets unto the biblical based messiah as beneficial for mankind in saving them from themselves. Instead of running from these moments, embrace them to the fullest extent of the being. Embracing them is the first act towards liberation; because in understanding them and their intention, functions and benefactors frees us from the fear which has been imbued in them from western cultures intention to mis-educate the world through their so-called education. The clear venture to enlightenment is having a heart and mind which The Creator/Universe can detect you will use the information given for a purpose greater than yourself. This government has succeeded in many to r...

Warefare 2019

Social Warfare in 2019 If you are consumed by hatred it will be used against you. If you are ruled by ego it will be used against you. If you are ruled by a desire to control it will be used against you. If you are a trivial/pettifogging human being it will be used against you. If you are an anxious human being it will be used against you. If you are a jealous human being it will be used against you. If you are an envious human being it will be used against you. If you are a lust-filled human being it will be used against you. If you are an easily provoked human being it will be used against you. If you are a controlling human being it will be used against you. If you are a desperate human being it till be used against you. If you are a vengeful human being it will be used against you. All of which has been mentioned above along with many using these instruments against their best interest are tactics of social war that will in time consume you and then be ...

The Substance of The Storm

From Experience and Meditation 10/24/2019 It is very challenging to come to realize that the storm you are suffering through to remain as you are is in fact present for you to not remain as you are. Who and what you have been is only a small part of the journey towards manifesting your inevitable greatness. This greatness is never left for the rest of the world to measure if it is great or not. It has nothing to do with anyone else other than yourself. The storm you are within is for the purpose of showing you who you are in the present, while moving your forwards towards who you are destined to be. We are part of a divine and challenging journey to know, self. It is a natural human quality to at times become the storm and some of its dual ingredients which we are apt to feel inside. This time of anger, hurt and frustration is but a period of self-examination. It is not a period of self-gloating or conformation of what has transpired against you in the past. It is a time of com...

Humility is no Weakness

Being a humble and reserved person is very beneficial in harsh times. The wisdom within humility is sacred and is self-guiding. That is to our well-being. Never try to identify it. Don't project anything of the past into it. Just know, that it is present in prominence; and progressing you through a harsh but beautiful time of where the recompense is your own development onto immense significance you may have never thought was inside of you. I bare witness:) It is one of the most preeminent times of a delicate and powerful demonstration of love and inner revolution. David Anthony Brayboy

Dislike and Hatred

Dislike is conditional. Hatred is a choice. Nothing should be so detrimental that hatred is made the final conclusion. David Anthony Brayboy

Tell Her The Truth

The withholding of truth is no distinction than being a murderer of someones well-being. Tell her the truth even if you are not a benefactor of her affections. If you are truly her friend/sister/brother then tell her the truth and abstain her from further turmoil and complexity. Integrity over desire. It is such a proficiency. David Anthony Brayboy


In the time of the death of a union, always let her know that if you ever need anything, if she ever need you for anything for any reason, you will be there for her. Let them know that no matter of how you were treated, no matter of how much you suffered from the hurt and turmoil of being disappointing, you will always posses a hand out for understanding and an effort for comforting the mind. Always let them know that despite all of which could have manifested into being, but never did, you are available for resolving what is left of everything if there are more words needed to be heard. Allow yourself to continue to be who and what you are and have forever been inside. Don't die inside because of the death of a union. Allow yourself to be yourself. It holds a great state of ownership and contentment. Nothing has the power to destroy our essence. Not even we. It is why the duality exist when we try to alter ourselves. Be who and what you are entirely no matter what transpire...

The Broken Tree

In taking a slow and delicate walk arm and arm with an elderly East Indian woman named Ananya Khatri of 89 years present in Dharamsala India, in 2007 we came upon a broken tree outside of a home and she said to me, “divine beloved, when one sees a tree about the outside of a home that is broken, it is a sign that there are broken spirits inside.” She continued in saying…. “One must always know that everyone is divine no matter what is broken inside.” “We are all broken in our own way from something that was meant to build us and not to break our spirits.” “But, what has been broken upon our own will is left to those who choose to be of the unfortunate souls.” “It is a choice in the will to be of the unfortunate souls, while all is divine.” Ananya Khatri I arose this morning with her words in my mind and heart of my current journey which is coming to an end. I find her words to be true as one day a tree outside of this home had broken not to long after the break up within the ...


To assert that you have been abused as a child and then grow up to abuse others in various forms, reveals a person who thinks and feels they were never in fact abused. They in truth feel as though what was done to them was right; otherwise, they would not usher abuse to others. If the observer is able to recognize characteristics inside of you which you claimed was inside of your abuser of the past, then you have not survived the abuse which you claim. You’re not a survivor at all; but a student of your abuser who obviously was your greatest teacher. You have only in time under revealing circumstances become nothing less than an extension and a reflection of your abuser. You have become their product and therefore, child. Just not by blood, but by your reactions. Analyse yourself and end this vicious cycle of hatred. David Anthony Brayboy


Anger is a form of suffering. It also posses its lucrative value as all entities have a dual inherent. Be wise and choose where your anger belongs. Understand its vital place. Make certain that your anger, if having need to express it is not doing violence to your own mind and soul, but made worthy of a cause for resolution to a problem which only a specific amount of anger can be serviceable. It can be utilized without it being an unfortunate apparatus of where humility is its wise guide. Anger. Its a very interesting observation and study inside of yourself. Check it out in meditation:) It's how revolutions were won;) But, the primary revolution to accomplish first is the one within yourself:) David Anthony Brayboy

It Is Only Within Yourself To Face And No One Else Plague To Resolve.

I’m certain you have before heard the statement, “I can’t stand to be around him or her.” You may have heard this said to you from someone you know, about another human being or you may have even overheard this from someone purposely about yourself. I offer this to you if you are feeling or thinking ill of yourself pertaining to someone making this very common statement it is they who in fact has the problem. It is vital to know of where you are within yourself in terms of your self-assurance and your present state of morality in regards to how you feel of yourself. There is no need to allow these type of people to cause you to feel scummed by way of their misery and self-induced hatred for their own mind. To know within yourself and your intentions, that you have not done anything to cultivate such ill-feelings towards you, is key to your not deserving a moment of self-reflection or even asking them of why they feel as such. You will never get an answer, let-alone an honest one ...


It is not practical to become angry with anyone who previously was able to determine who you are and what you are going to do and therefore, doing. It would be wise to find out of why you were so transparent in the eyes of everyone else accept, yourself. This day and time many are simply human remote controls in the hands of many who are able to posses insight into the reality of others capabilities according to environment and characteristics of being overly sensitive to matters that are less than apparent. Many who dependent upon others point of views are manipulated to think and feel that those in their midst are in support of what is best for their well-being, when they simply are withholding certain facets of truth which they know if was distributed, would handicap their ulterior motives. The withholding of truth is no distinction of being a murderer. The observer who is placed in the limited position because of lies; and is able to see of how transparent both parties are an...

In A Better Place

You doubted me, but here I exist. The presence of uncertainty is understood inside of you. For within myself I was able to see not only what I was in the beginning, but the reality of who I am and therefore the potential of who I am becoming. I have for many seasons occupied a mentality in my mind which I thought was the essence of virtue for my living journey. I in my attachment to hurting you, I was to realize that I was hurting and destroying only myself more assuredly because of my rebellion against my nature. But, despite of my insurrection I was fortunate to again, find myself and offer my soul a resurrection from death and into a life of humanity and civility. In our hurt we say and perform things which are rooted in dismay and the anguish of not wanting to let go of the hurt as also having the immense desire for all of the pain to end. We feel as the pain holds a reasoning which we feel justifies its presence in creating a comfort zone of turmoil. In a harmonious ac...

I Melt Away Before Your Eyes

“I know that you are telling the truth about me.” “I know that you are right about the allegations you bring up even though I will forever tell you that you are lying.” “I hate the fact that you are right about these things and that is why I hate you so immensely from the dept of my soul.” “I still will not adhered to your allegations because they are true even though I deny them to myself and everyone else.” “I continue to do what you have thought I was doing in order to hurt you and yet I still deny to you and everyone else that I am doing these things.” “I tell myself that I am not this promiscuous soul that everyone is beginning to see that I actually am after so many years of being a fictitious human being without real substance for my aspirations.” “I will continue to deny what I know I truly am in my activity every night from the early evening unto the late of the night.” “No matter of how much I can see and feel you are right while I am within the activity of being this re...

The Surface Nuisance


The Theology of Positive and Negative Energy and Its Destructive Effect ...


There Is No Death

In the death of the organism, there is no death of any manner of our existence. This never ends in terms of consciousness because consciousness is able to host any given form because it is a living entity. This could be perceived as a blessing or a curse. It depends upon the person engaged. But, however one choose to view it out of desired expectations, when it transpires, they will see that the choices which they thought they would posses, do not exist. They will come to know that "choice" was limited to the flesh state and therefore there is no more reason for the choice dilemma. Having to choose implies a state of complexity. All of that is gone. There is no Jesus figure as what has been implemented by religious doctrine, no knowledge, no memory of loved ones and their names and status of family, no stress, fear, anxiety ect. There is nothing left of which plagued the human flesh state. Emptiness is the true fullness, the lack of knowledge is the true clarity, the d...

Abuse, Reflection and Manifestation

In the past 5 months I have had the opportunity to understand many aspects of life in which most would think I should have come to know years ago considering my age. Life has its way of moving and progressing for the individual based upon their destiny: as well as their environment being suppressed or un-supressed with particular elements of experiences holding activating principals of humanity, as well as matters advancing towards actions opposing humanity perceived as inhumane according to what is deemed as virtuousness. What was found is those who have suffered some form of abuse have become that which has abused them, according to the thinking and behavior of those whom abused them. They have in time become a manifestation of their abuse. It is commonly and carelessly said, “hurt people, hurt people” as this is not discredited in this arrangement, but, there are many living this day as myself who have suffered through years of emotional and psychological abuse as well as t...